Make your dreams a reality with SMART goal-setting

Achieving financial freedom is a shared goal for many of us. We yearn to attain financial independence to provide for our families, secure quality education for our children, retire comfortably, and create a lasting legacy. While our end objectives may be similar, each of us must carve a distinct path to reach our financial goals. To set ourselves on the right course, we need to identify our destination – our target – and chart out a strategic plan. Much like a journey, we cannot embark on our financial life without direction. In this pursuit, the SMART goal-setting framework becomes our compass, guiding us toward success.

It is crucial to dream big and set audacious goals, for many aspirations are indeed within our reach. However, it is equally vital to balance our dreams with a prudent plan, considering factors such as time, cost, and risk. The essence of A Hundred Pennies lies not in seeking overnight wealth, but in cultivating a path towards a prosperous retirement with minimal risk and the highest likelihood of success. By employing the SMART approach, we increase our odds of accomplishing true financial freedom.

1. Specific

Vague objectives lack clarity and often lead to wandering paths. To stay on track, we must set specific and well-defined goals. For example, aiming to accumulate a million-dollar retirement fund is far more concrete than merely desiring to retire rich. Specificity gives us a clear target, empowering us to make informed decisions and maintain focus on our objectives. By understanding precisely what we want to achieve, we lay the groundwork for a purposeful financial journey.

2. Measurable

Measuring our progress is essential to gauge how far we’ve come and how close we are to our goals. When working towards a million-dollar retirement fund, we can track our savings balance, providing us with tangible milestones along the way. Being able to measure our achievements enables us to celebrate success and identify areas that may require adjustments. As we witness our progress, we are motivated to stay committed to our financial ambitions.

3. Achievable

While dreaming big is admirable, we must ensure our goals are grounded in reality. Striving for ambitious yet achievable objectives sets us up for success. While becoming a billionaire on a minimum wage is theoretically possible, it requires significant changes, high risks, and is often unsustainable. Instead, focusing on realistic goals, such as paying off a mortgage within a set timeframe or saving for our children’s education, ensures a higher probability of success. By choosing attainable targets, we build confidence in our ability to navigate the path to financial freedom.

4. Relevant

Our goals should align with our pursuit of financial freedom. While it’s essential to indulge in some discretionary spending, our primary objectives must contribute to our long-term financial well-being. Prioritizing objectives that align with our vision ensures that every step we take is meaningful and propels us toward our ultimate goal. By staying true to our long-term vision, we cultivate a sense of purpose in our financial decisions.

5. Time bound

Setting a timeline for our financial goals is crucial. Whether our aim is to retire at a specific age or achieve a major financial milestone, having a well-defined target date keeps us accountable and focused. By breaking long-term goals into smaller, manageable milestones, we can stay on track and ensure consistent progress. Our time-bound goals act as a compass, guiding us along the path and encouraging us to take decisive actions towards financial freedom.


Setting effective financial goals is vital on our journey to financial freedom. As we dream big and chart our course, the SMART goal-setting framework becomes our trusted guide. Through specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, we gain clarity and direction, empowering us to make sound financial decisions and pave the way towards the life we envision. With a well-crafted plan and unwavering determination, we can navigate the path to true financial freedom and embrace a brighter future. By adhering to the principles of SMART goal-setting, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to create lasting financial success and secure a prosperous future for ourselves and our loved ones.